Page 73 - YB1940
P. 73
DEBATING land chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha, national honorary debating fraternity, at its annual International crises gave rise to an inter., initiation in May. This group, composed of esting season in forensic circles and the Raymond Myers, Richard Baker, Paul Cum- Western Maryland varsity debaters, coached mins, Paul Alelyunas, Andrew Bohle, and by Professor John D. Makosky and managed Edward Thomas, is the largest ever initiated by Veronica Kompanek, contended with at one time since the organization was over twenty-five eastern colleges and uni., founded in 1935. versities on the issues of isolation as a national At the annual TKA convention at Buck- policy and of the basic blame for the new nell University, Western Maryland was world conflict. actively represented by Alvin Newton, Besides a large number of home debates, Andrew Bohle, and Willard Everett. Mr. this year's schedule included three extensive Newton, president of the local chapter, placed tours. third in the after-dinner speaking contest. Alvin Newton and Edward Thomas opened With this event another chapter in West- the forensic season in February with a trip ern Maryland debating history was com- through New Jersey, during which debates pleted. were held with Rutger's University, Upsala College, and St. Peter's College. During the latter part of the month Willard Everett and Ujl/O riglil' l\·lycrs, Aohle, Everett, l\ompanek, Newton, Thomas. Paul Alelyunas traveled to Albright College, Muhlenberg College, Ursinus College, and Everett, Kompanek, NeWlon. Dickinson College; and March found Richard Baker and Raymond Myers expounding isolationist philosophy at Susquehanna Uni- versity, Bucknell University, and Juniata College. The climax of the season was the annual Penn State Debate Convention, State Col- lege, Pennsylvania, at which Western Mary- land was represented by Sidney Mansh, Paul Cummins, and Alvin Newton. This year Western Maryland debaters participated in two radio debates. Raymond Myers and Richard Baker met Susquehanna University in a debate over station WF'MD Frederick, while Edward Thomas and Sidney Mansh debated against Mt. St. Marv's Col. lege over station WJE], Hagerstown: TKA . For their ~c~i~e participation in debating, SIX men were initiated into the Western Mar y.
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