Page 74 - YB1940
P. 74
Firsl Raw: Left to right. LeĀ· compte, Cro",white, Kratz, Quarles, Bertholf, Newman, Baker. Suond Raw: Arma_ COSt, Hale, Terry, Klier, Grif- fin, Brown, RC"eves, Zimmer. man,Wheder,Osborne. OFFICERS: First Semester PRESIDENT Margaret Quarles VICE_PRESIDENT FOR MEN Harry Lowery VICE.PRESlDENT FOR \VOMEN Elinor Kratz SECRETA RY-TREASU RER Helen Newman OFFICERS: Second Semester PRESIDENT Margaret Quarles VICE_PRESIDENT fOR MElli Edwin Reter VICE_PRESIDENT FOR WOMEN Elinor Kratz SECRETARy-TREASURER Helen Newman The William G. Baker Sunday School Class meets every Sunday morning in the chapel which was given by William G. Baker &fllo righl: Wareneim, Coffern, Scott, Wildey, Cairnes, Lodge. in recognition of the fact that his son's life STUDENT was spared in a critical illness. This chapel, an glass windows, provides with its stained CHRISTIAN atmosphere of worship for the weekly service. ASSOCIATION The Sunday School class is organized as a medium for the worship of God, and its Standing for better Christian friendship and activities are guided by its motto, "Finding fellowship among the students on the Hill, God on the Campus". During the year the the Student Christian Association, formed by officers and cabinet members plan programs joining the Y.M.CA. and the Y,W.CA., in which students, members of the faculty has completed its first year of activity. and outside speakers participate. These In order that the S.C.A. might gain material formal meetings are varied with musical from a world-wide source, it became affiliated programs or discussion groups. with the World's Student Christian Asso- A choir, conducted this year by Harry ciation. Lowery and accompanied by Mary Cross, With the cooperation of the Sunday School, white, helped in making a more beautiful the S.C.A. brought such well-known speakers and effective service. as Mr. Kirby Page to the campus. By Although organized mainly for worship, attending the Tri-State Boat Conference the class attempts to foster closer fellowship and the Eagle's Mere Conference, students among the students and faculty on the Hill. were a-ble to obtain valuable information The two parties given each year for this from other colleges. purpose have always been popular with By assisting in the social life on the campus, everyone at Western Maryland. by membership on the Student Social Corn- At Christmas, a traditional chapel service mittee, by social dances, and by reviving the that attracts many outside visitors is pre- annual bazaar, this organization has con- sented by the Speech Department. This is tributed to the making of a fuller social life made possible by the financial backing of on the Hill. the Sunday School. St'Xnly
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