Page 69 - YB1940
P. 69
KERWT BEYARD EDGAR RINEHIMER WHEN we of the 1940 ALOHA staff took office, we decided to throw conservatism into discard. The old small size book was too be replaced by a new and larger one using double column style printing. We adopted new ideas for senior pictures; vari- ous departments of the book were reorganized to meet Collegiate Press Association requirements; and all sections were made more interesting through an increase in the number of pictures. We utilized the latest thing in cover design by placing a charac- teristic Western Maryland picture on our cover_. Finally through the cooperation of Dr. Fred Holloway we were able to take a tremendous stride forward by replacing old sombre divided pages with reproductions of original etchings. Although these changes and others are rather radical for Western Maryland, they are in keeping with recent yearbook trends. Everything we have done is the result of our effort to pro- duce a more interesting, a more readable) and it more vital record of the college year 1939- 1 94 0 • We hope the 1940 ALOHA will meet with your approval. KERMIT QUENTIN BEYARD, Editor EDGAR "Y. RINEHIMER, Business Manager
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