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THE GOLD BUG EDITORIAL STArF Editor-in-Chief VERONICA KOMPAN!,;K, '40 "About the students, for the students, and .dssociatr Editors AI.VIN NEWTON, '40 by the students" became the motto of the PAUL BURTIS, '40j HENRY HOLLjES, '41 Cold Bug as, with student interest as its main HENltyTIlIESLER, '41 '42 ISAAC REHERT, objective, it endeavored to take definite steps RUTH.MANSIiERGEIt, '41 toward becoming a more integral and bene- L. CARI,ETON GOODEN, '40 ficia! part of student life here on the Hill. Editors RUTH FIF.LD,'40 Editorial policy was founded on an effort \VIU.IAM ROllINSON, '41 PRICE, to sound out student opinions on issues, to KATHERINE SUE KI.IF.R, '40 '01-0 present impartial information, and to foster KATHERINE HERRI', '40 progressive attitudes in regards to campus Proof Editor HEI.EN NEWMAN, '40 problems and situations. Assistallt Proof Editors CHARLES 13AKf.R, '4'2 Through attempts to continue the im- THELMA BOWEN, '41; EI.LEN SHII'I.EY, '40 EOITH provement begun two years ago, numerous Feature Editors SIDNEY RITCHIE, '40 '41 MANSH, changes were made this year both in style Typists JANE FRALEY, '42 and content. New flush-left heads were ELIZABETH ELLWEIN, 4'2; PATRICIA VI'HITE, '42 instituted, the type was changed, national advertising was used for the first time in BUSINESS STArr recent years, more features were introduced. BlIJineJSMallager EDWARD WEANT, '41 and every effort was made to present more Cirw/atio1lMal/agers MARl' LOUISE ASHUR"-, '41 interesting, more accurate, and more timely BILL ViNCENT, '4'2 news. The activities of the Gold Bug were not limited to publication of the paper alone. Besides directing a number of activities dur, ing freshmen orientation week, early in the fall the staff sponsored a Sadie Hawkins Dance, the proceeds of which were given to a local charity organization. In April, representatives of the Cold Bug attended an editors' conference at Washing- ton College, Chestertown, Maryland, and helped in the founding of an inter-collegiate press organization for the colleges of this district. Although termed" the local exhaust" by some of its readers, the Gold Bug was awarded second class honor rating by the Associated Collegiate Press. VERONICA I\OJl.!PANEK Editor
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