Page 138 - YB1940
P. 138
BAND Composed of a nucleus of thirty-two men, known as the Military Band which drills re-, gularly with the R. O. T. C. unit, the band is augmented by extra men of the campus for the games and on special occasions. During the winter months when the R. O. T. C. unit was indoors, the band rehearsed for its annual indoor concert, presented in Feb- ruary. This year a varied and artistic pro- gram was given, featuring a tuba solo, and a CAPTAIN HEE march written by Director Royer, dedicated Band C~mma"d~r to Sergeants Junior and Lavin of the military department who have always been a help. MISS JUDY GROW Spc"so~ With spring, the band again returned out, doors, and culminated the year with the an- nual review of the R. O. T. C. unit in May. Lenney E. Bee, Captain; Frank M. Sones, Captain, Battalion Supply Officer and Drum With new green and gold capes glittering Major; W. M. Banks, rst Sergeant; R. O. under the glare of Baltimore Stadium's flood- Lambert, Sergeant. lights, the Western Maryland College Band started one of its most successful seasons in a W. G. Vincent, Corporal; D. E. Griffin, colorful blaze of glory. Kept busy playing at Corporal; H. G. Ricker, Corporal; C. W. five out of seven games (two in Baltimore Baker, F. E. Belt, M. P. Binns, B. E. Cant- Stadium), the band, in keeping with its tradi- well, C. R. Boller, H. C. Deeds, ]. I. tion, always displayed its splendid marching Elliott, J. A. Elliott, H. D. Gruel, J. D. along with its fine music. Much credit for the Hill, ]. F. Koerner, J. K. Douglass, J. C. showing of the band must go to Drum Major Elliot, R. B. Gelder, N. W. Kidd, R. C. Mason Sones, Director Philip Royer, Captain Myers, ]. P. Tate, R. W. Saltzgaver, R. \V. Lenney Bee, and the Military Department Wagner, K. G. Leister, W. E. Myers, J. H. for their unceasing efforts in whipping the Nace, H. D. Phillips, W. O. Prettyman, band into shape so early in the year. J. C. Rawlins, J. M. 'Williams. O".hl",dredthirty-Jour
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