Page 137 - YB1940
P. 137
Paul M. Burtis, Captain, Company Com- (;O~IPANY D mander ; Victor J. Impeciaro, 1St Sergeant. FIRST PLATOON Donald H. Humphries, rst Lieutenant, Pla- toon Leader; Max S. Kable, Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant; Francis X. Smith, Tech. Sergeant, Battalion Supply Sergeant and Guide. C!\l'T,\IN BURTIS Firs! Squad - L. J. Knepp, Sergeant, Color Sergeant; J. S. Ritchie, Corporal; r. H. ~IISS I-!ADLYN CLINE Bohn, W. J. Dumler, M. Phillips, J. F. Spa,,,ot Mathewson, P. F. Bechtel, R. J. Moore. Second Squad - R-. L. Fowler, Corporal; A. W. Nowak, W. Sheffield, 1. \N. Katz, J. R. Wrightson, B. G. Smith, N. F. Orloske. "'D' Company, one man absent, Sir introduces you to the extra company which, vigorously trained by a quartet of military SECOND PLATOON genii, Sergeant Lavin, Cadet Officers Burtis, Horan, and Humphries, has probably shown Charles M. Horan, -t st Lieutenant, Pla- the greatest improvement of any in the unit. toon Leader; Kenneth G. Bills, Sergeant, In this account of company activities, due Platoon Sergeant; William R. Jones, Ser- credit must be given to both officers and men. geant, Platoon Sergeant Guide. The officers of Company "D" have func- tioned well, not only on the drill field out in First Squad - E. C. Lippy, Sergeant duties pertaining to the Officers' Club. Their Color ?~rgcant; L. tVI. Kindly, Corporal~ work all the Military Ball was noteworthy, J. A. ~!rle, c. R. VanHook, B. J. Linthicum, if not outstanding. r. A. 1 arbutton, C. L. Warner, C. L. Marsh. Any time that a military organization can Seco?d Squad - D.: L. Brengle, Corporal; so improve that Sergeant Lavin's comments, C. F. Scott, R. L. Fowble, G. H. Matshall thereon, change so completely as they have L. C. Zito, B. A. Jennings, W, C. Taylor' since October must certainly be as the officers E. D. Bunce. ' and men of Company "0" say, "Hot today Buddy." On~"""dr.dll';rly_lhru
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