Page 139 - YB1940
P. 139
RIFLE TEAM OFFICERS CLUB Commandant ROBERT WALTERS Enjoying its most successful season in many years, the rifle team completed its schedule Vice-Commandent CHARLES HORAN with a record of three wins, two losses, and Secretary-Treasurer MALCOLM KULLMAR one tie. The team fired in six shoulder to shoulder matches. Sergeant-at-rtrms PAUL BURTIS The season was marked by victories over Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, and Gettysburg. All of these matches were fired away from home. At mid-season the team journeyed to Fort George G. Meade to fire a match with the championship regimental small bore team of the 54th Infantry. The result was one of those oddities of the spoft-a tie. Two close decisions were dropped to the topflight University of Maryland team and to Johns Hopkins in a return engagement. The most consisten t marksmen were man- ager Charlie Fitzgerald, Captain Douglas Caringto», Bill Wiley, Ralph Hawkins, Max Kable, and Bill Leister. A number of newer members of the team also showed promise. Among these were Cantwell, Stone, Quynn, Lavin, and Hahn. Since Sergeant Lavin is completing his thirty years of service in the United States army on January 31, '94', this is probably his last season as coach. It is with consider- able regret and sorrow that he leaves Western Maryland College and its R.O.T.C. Corps. Charlie Fitzgerald and Doug Catington, the only two seniors on the squad, rounded out three active years apiece on the rifle team. They competed in every match but one. Bill Wiley, Ralph Hawkins, Max Kable and Bill Leister competed in every match. Coach Lavin believes that with its present material, the team has excellent prospects for next year.
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