Page 133 - YB1940
P. 133
GALBREATH, STROPP, SHIPLEY, WALTEns, SONES THE R.O.T.e. BATALION BA1TALlON STArr. LIEUT. COl.. FRANK M. SHTI'LEY Faced with a completely new and revised Bnlta/ioll Commander drill Western Maryland's ROTC unit was forced to extend itself this year in order to MAJOR ROBERT H. STROPI' HattalionExecutiue maintain its usual high rating. With the aid of Majors Sadler and Connor, however, CAPTAIN SA~1UEL former records were not only equalled but exceeded. CAPTAIN ROBERT L. \VAI.Tf:RS For the first time in history the battalion !111. Il1te1ligclJcc Off. was divided into four companies and a band TECH. SEROEAN'I which were under direct supervision of the s». LIEUT. COL. SHIPLEY two majors and Sergeants Lavin and Junior. MISS PAULlNE NITZEL These regular army officers together with Lieutenant Shipley and his staff of Gal- breath, Stropp, and Walters rapidly whipped the unit into shape. COLORS SGT. G. \VILI,IAM HAUFF Color'd SQT. LESTER J. KNEPP Co/Ol' GilaI'd SOT. W~1. H. DENNIS C%r Bet/ttl' SGl'. JOSEPH H. ROUSE Colo,' Bet/rcr SOT. En1ER C. LIPPY Color BeaI'C"
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