Page 136 - YB1940
P. 136
Under the leadership of Cadet Captain Jack W. Lytton, Captain, Company Com; Lytton, the officers and men of Company mander; Francis L Grumbine, rst Sergeant. "C" have worked hard with an eye to win- ning the competitive drill for the second consecutive year. Captain Lytton, who FIRST PLATOON with the two other "old men" on the bat, talion staff constituted the "Three Mosqui- Henry C. Triesler, Tech. Sergeant, Pla- toes" at summer camp, did a good job in rounding his company into shape to present toon Leader; Thomas F. Lewis, Sergeant, a very acceptable Company Drill for inspec- Platoon Sergeant; Ralph G. Hawkins. Ser- tion. geant, Platoon Sergeant Guide. The cadet officer personnel suffered a severe blow in October when Captain Walters re- First Squad - G. W. Hauff, Sergeant, ceived a broken leg. This necessitated Color Sergeant; H. W. Baker, Corporal; Sergeant Henry Triesler's promotion to act- F. P. Suffern, J, C. Hancock, P. R. Myers, ing platoon leader, a fact which illustrates J. B. Workman, G. T. Twyford, C. L the adaptability of the American soldier, Taking time out from his clerical duties, Merchant. Second Squad - E. F. Lewis, Sergeant Junior has helped with individual Corporal; N. W, Fay, E, J. Kaplan, T. L and company instruction. That he has done Fleming, A. H. Slysofski, G, E. Martin, F. L a good job is evidenced by the smart and Cook, J, F, Snodgrass. military manner with which the men of Company '~C" conduct themselves. SECOND PLATOON Malcolm Kullmar, rst Lieutenant, Platoon CO~IPANY C Leader; Raymond T. Applegarth, Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant; Earl C. Darsch, Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant Guide. First SqlUld - E. E. Evans, Corporal; A. I-I. Levin, J. M. Robinson, W. R. Phillips, J. B. Higman, A. J. Beane, E. A. Clifford, W. S. Walls. Second Squad - Z. C. Ebaugh, Cor- poral; E. P. Schubert, R. R. Stone, W. A. CAPTAIN LYTTON Bulen, F. J. Blair, G. S. Ross, J. M. Company Com"umd.r Townsend. MISS JANE COX Spomor
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