Page 134 - YB1940
P. 134
COIUPANY A James D. Catington, Captain, Company Commander; Robert W. Hahn, ret Ser- geant. FIRST PLATOON Frank W. Mather, tst Lieutenant, Platoon Leader; William R. Wiley, Sergeant, Pla- CAPTAIN CATINGTON toon Sergeant; William G. Parks, Sergeant, Company Commandrr Platoon Sergeant Guide. MISS WINIFRED COBERLY Sponsor First Squad - W. H. Dennis, Sergeant, Color Sergeant; J. P. Doenges, Corporal; K. W. Grove, A. R. Chandler, T. B. Baugher, A. R. Friedel, R. F. Podlich, L. D. Lodge, With the return of the students to college P. H. Adams. Second Squad - T. M. in the fall came the problem of reorganizing Wood, Corporal; I. J. Wentz, J. J. Thomas, the ROTC battalion. Difficulties were more J. D. Ensor, E. W. Spencer, V. J. Siebert, .rhan doubled as a result of the new, recently R. E. Shockley. adopted, streamlined drill. "A" company, despite the large number of freshmen en- rolled and the large group of sophomores to SECOND PLATOON be retaught, mastered the new drills in a comparatively short time. John C. Fitzgerald, rst Lieutenant, Pla., At the winter drills held in the old gym- toon Leader; William H. Adolph, Sergeant, nasium, the company concentrated on foot Platoon Sergeant; Mack B. McPike, Ser- movements and the manual of arms. With geant, Platoon Sergeant Guide. the coming of spring, extended order drill was stressed while at the same time the com- First Squad - S. B. Eckers, Sergeant; pany practiced for the annual federal inspec- R. L. Dowell, Corporal; J. W. Morris, tion. H. K. Miller, J. F. Roby, H. B. Gusgesky, The company staff composed of Captain I. E. Biasi, G. F. Ward, R. E. Bricker. Catington and Lieutenants Mather and Second Squad - I. B. Rehert, Corporal; Fitzgerald commend highly the fine cooper- M. A. Petrucci, T. F. O'Leary, C. E. Bach- ative spirit exhibited by the men during the man, T. M. Jester, T. J. Lavin, M. A. transition from the old drill to the new. Maynard. On~J/Undr,dlhirly
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