Page 126 - YB1937
P. 126
t. 0 I. I' T E }\ ~I 5 A M~9;~a;t:~;i~~s~s:n:e~:~~:s~:~~ of golf, it was decided that the team would be known as an extra-mural team rather rben as a varsity team. Matches were held in the last weeks of April and through- OUt May. Western Maryland also spon- sored an extra-mural tournament on May I in which several other schools were represented. The team was composed of Rowland Armacost, Everett Jones. Paul Burtis. R SI'lQW.P BurtiS S Balderson, R Armacost. E JOr1l!S Frank Lesinski. Jerry Balderson. and Bob Snow. While none of these boys were exceptionally fine golfers. all managed (0 rover the college course in the low 80's. As Armacost is the cnly player lost. and with several premising men coming up, the team looks forward to a larger and mare successful season in 1938. TUJ\CK LAST year marked the first time in twenty six years that Western Maryland has attempted to organize a complete track team. From 1902 until 1910, the college boasted a team second to none in its class. In the early nineteen twenties, a Iew relay teams were organized. but no full team was produced. Last year a ream was organized but was hindered by lack of interest; this year however a marked improve- ment was shown and if it continues, Western Maryland may look forward to regaining in about three years its former prestige on the track. Flr.l.olO- B. Ft:tgWogtl. COlr4 B Wilson L H Salish R Elderdree H Dooley SmwJ,QIIO- J. Petter F L~itl5ki A Lutkauskas W Klare LAdnanĀ« C RWIII!henllt:t J Stoner 122
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