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I,,"Tn'\-~lun}\I~ ATnl~ETICS oVeTg~tei:~rrrn~::~rarr~~i~at~~nb; t~~ men's Student body was the goa! achieved this year. A hardball round in the fraternity pro- gram and a golf tournament were the innovations in the inrrarnurals made by the clubs. Holding the spotlight in interest and ccmperi- rive spirit. the interfraternity league developed A high caliber of play in several sports. In touch football the Gamma Beta Chi club, using a tall heavy line, cornered the title after several rounds of games. The Delta Pi Alpha club won the basket-ball crown with a fine team surpassed in the school only by the varsity, Plenty of action in the final games of the basket-ball loop ~:~ug~~ numerous spectators to Yingling Gym- The baseball games and «eckmeets of the clubs drew much arrenricn. Volleyball. won also by the Delta Pi Alpha, and tennis are the other two intramural sports run on a club and class basis. The climax to the winter sports season was an extramural meet with the University of Mary- land. As basket-ball champions. [he Preachers defeated the T erp intramural winner. The Terrors also won the volleyball game. but lost the tumbling competition. Extramural competition was offered to the winners of the elimination tournaments in handball and wrestling. Barney Spier. Director of lntramurals, also arranged a big extramural meet in golf with other Maryland colleges at the end of May. The only scorn played at Western Maryland and failing to enter the intramural field are soccer and boxing. The greatest volume of activity is in the three track meers in which classes as well as the clubs enter learns. and individuals try for Playground Athletic: Badges. The physical education class program is closely connected with the intra murals. particularly in the. case of non-club members. The variety of sports available. both in individual tournaments and league competition. has given an ever increasing number of boys an opportunity to play. SI
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