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seniors the volley ball victory. And were the seniors proud, because up to this time they had always been the champions, yes, but it was always the "champion losers"! Even the freshmen, who came in second, did not mind tOO much bowing to the hard working and plodding, but cheerful seniors, who had never seemed to be able to win any honors as a team before! After spring vacation, as soon as the weather permitted. baseball got under way. all working hard and doing their best to capture the champion- ship. still in the bag. At the same time, the tennis enthusiasts were working equally hard, a silver loving cup acting as an added incentive. For the past few years. the Women's Athletic Association with the assistance of the Physical Education instructors and the deans of women. have rented a swimming pool. The girls have really appreciated a cool dip on those hot sultry days when other sports might be just a bit too fatiguing. All women students who engage in any point- giving activity are eligible members of the Women's Athletic Association. This isa student organization. the funds of which are secured by charging dues and are used for purchasing awards, for entertaining, and for general expenses. The: awards are based on points and consist of the class numeral for which five points are needed, the monogram for which seven hundred fifty points are necessary, and the "M" for which twelve hundred fifty points are needed. The "H" is a special leiter for which one must hike one hundred miles. These points for awards may be obtained by playing on a team, by playing tennis, or by hiking. The blazer is the highest award. The two seniors who proudly display their blazers this year are Naomi Crown and Beverly Harrison. Both of these girls are outstanding examples of students who fulfill the qualifications necessary to win a blazer. These requirements are: I· to be an all round athlete: 2· to perform service on the campus; ). to be in good scholastic standing. Honorary varsity teams are picked for each sport by the board. These are announced in the W. A. A. meetings and if any outside games are played, this ream represents the school. 12S
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