Page 122 - YB1937
P. 122
BASKET-BALL JOHN TOMICHEK C"pillin HE fortunes of the Green and Gold cagers for the 1936·)7 season remained in the hands of Bruce T Ferguson. the youngest basket-ball mentor in the state of Maryland. The prospects for the season were somewhat darkened I::y the graduation of "Sheriff" Fowble, stellar guard and captain of the previous .seascn. The absence of Charlie Millard, a substitute guard who saw a great deal of action and snowed much ability for future development, also hindered the prospects. When "Walt" Reinhardt. tell. rangy varsity forward, dropped out of school. and "Frank" Lesinski changed to the boxing ranks, Coach Fer- guson's hopes (or a successful season were further doomed. These misfortunes were somehow overlooked by "Fergie" in his efforts to build a machine capable of going through a twenty-game schedule with a good showing. Fortunately, a stellar guard, Bob Stropp, 'was uncovered from the ranks of the freshmen. His spectacular guard play, both offensively and de- fensively, aided the team greatly. There was one position left to be filled and "Doc" Adriance, a seasonal performer seemed to "Fergie" to be the logical man for the pest. Thus was found a team that loomed as a capable contender for any opposition, with Stropp and Captain T omichek at the guards, Joe Uvanni the sophomore center at his old position, and "Stan" Benjamin, the 1936 All-League Center, and Adriance rounding out the line-up at the forwards. This combination which showed speed, height. and ability was readily assisted by a group of substitutes, some recruited trom the previous freshman squad, and some varsity substitutes of the '36 season. Joe Drugash and Fred Coe. forwards, carried from the latter group. and Emil Edmond, Bob Sherman. and Jack Lytton from the freshman team. The season opened against West Chester State Teachers' College. and the Terrors lost 47 - 29. The team had [0 contend with little practice and lost by overwhelming scores to Villanova, 51 - 20. and to St. Joseph's of Philadelphia. 51 .25. Georgetown also swamped the Terrors by a score of 46 • 16. as did Marshall College on the home court. 56 - 28. "~i!1 ~ T J Drugesh MUI"M I~ ,:;AMl,\.M., T Tcrmchek R Sherman L Adne nce R Stropp J. Uvanni 'fit ,," " " .. ''-,,/. P Lanasa l_t_{_ U d t •. , ~ 1 ,_; ;Jt., J E Edmond Lynon F eo. B Fer&USCIn 118
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