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/ Maryland scored home again, Western the at Fighting I Massachusetts Englander Bender of of W. Md. an easy win over the Institute Tech.. only New Beer, to win was 125 pounder. the was held to a draw meet Catholic University in the 165 lb. class. won a dose at Washington. Once again the meet was won by the lower weights. Walker. Ortenzi. and Oleair were again winners in their respective weights. The grim gray walls of West Point were a foreboding of what the boxing squad was 10 expect at the hands of the "Kaydets". The freshman team met the plebes, after the varsity had completed their match. Coughlin of Army held Onenzi to a draw. ThIS was the only bout in which the varsity scored. Galbreath won the only fight for {he freshman. Vil!anova whipped the Terrors at Philadelphia. Grimsey and Oleair were the winners for Western Maryland. Walker and Ortenzi lost very close decisions, Ortenzi losing to Anthony Sala, eastern intercollegiate boxing cham- pion for three years. In the intercollegiate tournament held at Syracuse, Western Maryland placed fourth. Bender. Andrews. and Oleair won third places. Walker. after winning from Luper of Anny. lost a close decision in the finals to Fink of Syracuse. RETROSPECTIONS The pre.fight tension of the ioexcer- ienced battlers on the Saturday of the Maryland fight-Ritchie Coliseum Bender's figi'll with Nedcmesrsky+- coming back home with Sarge-that Musselma.n Grimsey exhilarated feeling knowing one fight was over-looking forward to Penn State-the excellent pie- fight meal there, especially the chicken broth-6500 people packed in the auditorium-Walker and Ritzie in a dose fight-Ortenzi and Koc:iubinsky in the most thrilling fight of the evening the excited after. fight chaner-fighting at nome for the first tiflle-the knockouts at the Lock Haven fight-the long and short of il as exemplified by Andrews and his opponent refreshments at Jack's the swank and color of the crowd at Navy- watching the basket-ball game-Hinky's appearance with the colonel's daughter Oleair and Wallace exchanging blows the clean-cut appearance of the M. I. T bunch the home crowd again-roach Haven's amazement at the hunger displayed by some fighters before the Catholic: U. fights-the long trip up to Anny-meeting the "champ" again {Pcntecorvo) Grimsey the only one up in lime for breakfast happy freshman. glad that it was all over- pitch game coming back "the City of Brotherly Love" Ortenzt's second fighl wuh Sale mterc:ollegaates weIghing m the opening night the beautiful blonde that drew a round of applause from the collegiate crowd the final boo. Walker \IS. Fink- medals back home and all over WIth boxing 117
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