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\V 0 ~I EN' S J\TIII.llTICS NINETEEN hundred and thirty-seven! A lot of changes can be seen in the women's physical education department since the present seniors, juniors, or even sophomores entered Western Maryland as freshmen. The program offered has become broadened to fit the needs and interests of more pupils than ever before Rather than offering the traditional hockey, basket-ball, volley-ball. base-ball. and tennis, such games as hand tennis, paddle tennis, ping- pong, shuffleboard, deck tennis, and badminton have been added to the program. Equipment has been obtained for archery and golf, tOO, and these have become very popular. The wider program has proven its worth, for interest has teen keener and more sustained. For the past two years the requirements for certification in Physical Education have been higher. In order [0 get in all the practice teach- ing necessary, the Junior and senior physical education majors have refereed girls' basket-ball MARIE PARKER games in Carroll County, They also assist the Playground Athletic League at the Winter Carnival in Baltimore. And the P. A. L. officials at various county meets in the spring. The girls in this way are able to get valuable experience in coaching and can meet their requirements. The majors get added experience by refereeing all "6", "C", and "D" team games on the Hill. The intramural program was particularly interesting this year. Arter much keen competition. the sophomores won the hockey championship; the freshmen carried away the basket-ball laurels and the J BerwaJ!,er H Gompr M Wigley B Harrl5Qn M Parker N. Crown M Hoshall J eo,.kr1ln o Hull 12'
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