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ment and the Western Maryland referees did all that they could to foster a spirit of good sportmanship, clean play, and friendliness among the members of the various teams and between the players and the officials. On March 7 the junior and senior majors went into Baltimore to assist the Play- ground Athletic League in the winter carnival held in the fifth regiment Armory for girls from Baltimore City and sur- rounding country. These senior girls also helped the P. A. L officials at various county meets or county field days or rally ROSELDA TODD days as they are now called. These rally days are very Ins/rue/orin similar to winter carnivals and are the kind of things that Ph,y.icaIEducalion the girls will meet when they teach in a Maryland high school. Thus the majors made practical application of the principles and theory learned in the classrooms. The women students have formed a self-governed and a self-supported organization known as the Women's Athletic Association which has a system of awards covering the sports for which there are facilities. It is the purpose of this organization to promote athletics and to foster the ideal of good sportsmanship. It aims to make every girl like athletics on the campus and off and to be interested in the game tech- niques so that she will strive to improve her own individual skill in the various sports. Membership is open to every girl who engages in any point-giving activity, hiking included. Every girl who comes out for a sport is placed on a team according to her ability which is decided by the coaches, the manager of the sport, and the class manager. Faithful attendance at practice is the first requisite for a place on a team. An important factor in the placement is the player's knowledge of the rules, for no one can play an intelligent and skillful game of ball who does not understand the technique. This organization is financed by the members who pay fifty cents a year to cover the expense of awards, trips, and visiting teams. The association gives special awards to anyone who earns the required points throughout her four years. The class numeral is the first award. The second is the monogram. If a girl makes the first team in every sport
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