Page 139 - YB1936
P. 139
•• INETEEN THIRTY-FIVE AND NINETEEN THIRTY-SIX has been a N significant year for intra-mural sports at Western Maryland. The definite improvement noted this year in the program of "a sport for every man and a man for every sport" seems to be a favorable indication of advancement in this branch of the college athletic programs. Competition between the various fraternities and the various classes is rapidly becoming a vital part of the athletic life on the Hill. All intra-mural activities are directed by an Intra-Mural Committee, headed by H. Barnette Spier. Physical Education r nstructor. and Paul Ritchie of the class of '37. committee chairman. Each class and fraternity chooses representatives who sit in at the meetings. The committee fixes the schedules for the different sports, determines the eligibility rules, and provides the officials. Points are awarded to each organization which enters a team. The winning team and the runners up are awarded additional points. A silver loving cup is presented to the fraternity or class which has amassed the greatest number of points. This year a further incentive was offered when President Holloway announced that he would donate a cup or trophy to the organization which displayed the best sportsmanlike conduct on the playing field. The winner of this award is to be selected by a neutral H. B. SPEIR Prof ... ·orof committee. Physical Education The intra-mural sports program includes, touch football. basketball, handball, wrestling, volleyball, tennis, track, and baseball. Intra-mural athletics has accomplished much for students at Western Maryland. 1t has built up interest in more sports and has increased the number of participants in these sports It has been estimated that upward of 90 per cent of the male student body has competed in some form of intra-mural athletics or other during the school year. I t has developed the latent ability in a great many persons and has provided an excellent means of keeping the men in shape. Then too, the competition given was of a higher brand and raised intra, mural sports to a greater level than it has enjoyed during the last three or four years. With a program of expansion and with directors who have the welfare of sports at heart, the intra-mural athletic program will eventually be built up into one of the leading extracurricular activities at Western Maryland College.
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