Page 138 - YB1936
P. 138
•• F OR the first time in many of "Goose" Western Maryland was represented years ago, the years on the cinder With path. football star of several the return Doughty, Terrors at last had a man capable of coaching track. Doughty was handicapped throughout the entire season. In the first place his men were all inexperienced runners whose total experience had been limited to intra-mural competition. These men had to be taught the rudiments of the sport from the very beginning. A few of them showed promise. but there were tee many who had mere ambition than ability. Another thing that hampered the new coach in his work was the poor weather which prevailed during the first half of the month of April. Workouts were infrequent and short, and not much could be accomplished at first. The first competition of the year was with Washington College on Hoffa Field. The Sho'men had no trouble in walking off with the laurels to the tune of 72V2t035Y2. The Terrors managed to take three firsts. all of them being in the field events. Lou Lassahn led the javelin tossers with a mark of 16]1 7". Frank Lesinski proved to be the best discus thrower on the field, although Al Lutt closely pushed him for honors And Stan Benjamin. all-around athlete, won the shot put by heaving the pellet 36 1 The runners were helpless before the Aying feet of Young, the Sho'men's star man, and MacMahon. ace long distance runner. The former took four first places and a second for 23 points, while MacMahon annexed three firsts. The Terrors sent a quartet of runners to the Penn Relays in Philadelphia, but the Aloha went to press before the result was obtainable. The four men who ran for the Green and Gold were George Moore, Francis Thomas, Alvin Moore, and Stanley Benjamin. Two other meets were scheduled for the Terror speedsters. Doughty entered a team in the Mason Dixon Intercollegiate Track Conference meet and also stacked up against Catholic University. The Western Maryland trackmen gained much-needed experience in these meets. Although the squad did not fare so well in intercollegiate competition, the ex- Fronl R~w Phillips, Balash. Moore. perience and knowledge gained by some of the key men of the team will prove valuable Benjamin. Lassahn. Lesin- next year. and this year's team will make the framework of a renewed track program ski, LAdriance. at Western Maryland College. Reo. Row Coach Doughty, A. N Moore. Church, Dooley. Dixon. Andrews. Hansen. Kline. Potter. Gosnell. Martin
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