Page 147 - YB1936
P. 147
Last spring the W. A. A., with the assistance of the physical education instructors and the deans of women, rented a swimming pool some distance from the college. Arrangements were made for transportation so that girls who did not have classes could go out in the afternoons. This plan was adopted again this year to the satisfaction of all concerned. These spring sports with the exception of swimming and the addition of volleyball were brought to a climax when vee invited the University of Maryland, Marjorie Webster School, and American University tc be our guests at a play day. This was the first thing of its kind to be undertaken by CO-ED TENNIS us, but we felt that it was a success in that it gained us TEAM friendly relations with these schools, offered recreation to the participants, with an opportunity for good sportsmanship VOLLEYBALL CHAMPS and warm hospitality. Thus it helped fulfill the aims of the Seniors women's athletic department. "M" GIRLS Seniors f!\ l1li 1 - I" 1" .. -I ELIZABETH HAGEN CATHERINE HALL 141
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