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•• better than anything that we ever had before. Equipment has been obtained for ping-pong, badminton, and shuffle- board. Reference books have been added to the library to be used in the study of health and physical education. The hockey field and baseball diamond have been transferred from the space between McKinstry Hall and the Seminary to Hoffa Field where there is ample space for a regulation size playing area. The athletic program for sophomores has been altered to provide for the wider interests of the students. This change. which has been the aim of the department for several years. was made possible this year by the purchase of additional equipment. r n the freshman year it is required that all girls learn the different games such as hockey, basket- ball. baseball. tennis, etc. In the sophomore year the girls were given a choice of several activities. The choice in the fall was from a field including tennis, golf, and archery. In the winter months tap dancing, folk dancing, and indoor games were scheduled. The spring program was similar to the fall program. The primary purpose of these classes is to increase skill rather than to afford amusement. Thus the program was made "to fit the girl" rather than "the girl to fit the program." Gradually we have come from a physical education program of calisthenics to this highly organized and selective program. The required courses for a physical education major have had wide variations and applications this year. It is necessary to get ten hours of practice teaching in physical education in order to be certificated. Our last year of college has seen marked improvement along this line. The coaching class of juniors sent a representative to the Armory every Tuesday afternoon during basketball season to coach the Girl Scouts. They helped the Scouts with various techniques of the games, refereed, and arranged a few games for them. Besides this, the juniors got experience by refereeing all "B", "C". and ·'0" team games. The senior class majors refereed all of the Carroll County girl's basketball games. This is the first year that this county has conducted a tourna-
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