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GLADYSE LUCILLE SOMERS 8BB High School Sd.n,.,-English Crisfield,Maryland Crisfield High School Gold Bug, AssiM''''' Circulal!r", Mana2er 3, 4; y, W, C. A I, Z, 3, 4; College Sundoy School t , Z; PhilomalhMn Lilorory Soddy /, 2, Conleslonl2; V07lily Debaling /, 2; L. Corr/. Francais I, 2: Home E,onomics Club 2; Colleg. Pla!!eT' 3, 4; rrl Be/a, Assoria/, M.mb" 3, 4; W, A, A, t. 2, 3, 4; Lcllu"M;" Closs Alhleli,' 1,2,3, 4, Paging poise, "sang froid," savoir (aire, and the grande dame manner! Gladyse has always been ""ted in her speech work for being able to portray parts that call for an arristccratic bearing. With a quirk of an eyebrow, she can make you feel inferior, unnecessary, and oblivious all 111 once, But we're glad to say that's only in acting Really, Gladyse is warm-hearted. generous to a fault. and possessed of an exceedingly good disposition, Here's to you, Gladyse--may you combine the best of your Stage characters with the best of your real nature, and we'll stake everything on your success!
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