Page 94 - YB1933
P. 94
ROBERT REPP REESE'l-£'onomi,s Union Bridge. Maryland Union Bridge High S<:hool Chomisirl/ Cluh 3; Cermon Club 4; HonoraUo Men/ion 3. JUSl ask "Bob" the formula (or some complex chemical compound and you will at once find what his interesr in life is centered abeur, So.somedayweexpecllOpickupour newspaper and see that the eminent chemist. Mr. Robert Reese. has expounded some new theory. Those of us who have been his associates in class-room Or laboratory have always found "Bob" mOre than willing to impart his knowledge or to aid us with it. We have been deprived of the benefit of "Bob's" social ability because he travels back and forth each day; but we know that he isa good friend. Here's luck lOour chemist Nine/y_Two
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