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WILLIAM HOWARD SPARROW IlAA Phy.ic.-Malh"mali,"-Hi~h SchoolScienc", Hagerstown. Maryland Hagerstown HighSchool Pi Alpha Gamma 3. ~; Student Go~.rnm.nt 3. Vic., Pr.jiden/ 4; Assoica Edito.; Gold Bug Siaff 1. Assi.lanl Managing EdUn, 3. Managing Editor 4; Y.M.CA. I. Cabinoi Memh., 1. 3. 4; Chairman Hi_ Y 1. 3; Colleg. Sunday Schoo/ I. 1. ~; Officer; Club; Firsl Lieutenant, R. O. T. C. Command Second Platoon. Company "A"; I,Ding-W.bstor Litua,y Society I. 1. l, ~: Inlor-Society Ddato, I; Varsity Ddalc. t. 1, 3. 4; Foothall!. 1; Manager Sport, Puhlidt!/4. Feware the collegestudents thatowna real distinction. but we do believe that 'Chirp:' "Birdie." and a half-dozen others) the record for the number of nick-names on "The Hill." And equally true is it that he is always in demand. be it by name number two or name number four. He'lI answer to anyof them. and run to the rescue "on call." "Chirp's" list of activities speak for itself of how many times he has proved willing to help in any wilypossible. He doesn't walk out leavinga superficial job. either. as anyone who has noted his late hou.s of toil on the Gold Bug can testify. He has even been known to "goon the road" in lhe path of pure duty. as in the case of the Western Maryland_Boston game. "Chirp" has made his mark in many different fieldsin Western Maryland. and in each he has earned credit for himself incidentally, while supporting his Class and college.
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