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SAMUEL MASON SPRAGUE !lilA MUJi<-Hi./ory Parksley. Virginia Parksley High School Della Pi Alpha. Pr..ilient 4; Inl.r-Fralunlly Coundl 4. S.u.lary 4; Y. M_ c_ A, I. 2, 3. 4; Cahinet2; College Sunday Schual f. 2. 4; !'~ing-Web.ler Liluary Soddy ( Coll.g. Choir 2, 3. 4; je.I.,. f. 2; Band 2; Orch.II,a 2. 3. 4; Boxing f.3;/nlrQ-Mu'aISpari. 1.2. 3. 4. At the faintest sign of rain. or at {he lightest fall o(snow flakes. we see "Curly" clopping about the campus in the familiar arctics and green "swearer-seeks" combination. a sure sign that there's foul weather ahead. Beware. me lads. bewareI Yet. "Curly's" preparedness for foul weather is just an excellent example of one of his out_ standing characrerisrics. Fair weather and foul weather. he's right on {he job, old "Joe Dependability" himself No matter when or where or how. "Curly" is always willing to serve-and he does it well. too. bless himl No situation can down his ready and smiling response, and we know that that smile combined with the music (we forgot TO mention the pianol) will help him a long way over the much talked-of "path of life:' Ninety_Nine
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