Page 103 - YB1933
P. 103
DAVID TRUNDLE A I~ 'I' English-Hls!ory Ashton, Maryland Poolesville High School Alpha Gamma Tau Secretary Class Secre!ary 3, -I; Slud.n/ Gavernmeni Sureiary 4; Junior Editor 3, Edi/or-in-Chi.! 4; Gold Bug RepO,t.r 2. Mana_ g.. 3. BUJiness Managor 4; Collego Sunday Schaal f, ., Firsl Lioulwan! Company -c.: R. O. T. C; OjfiCUJ' CI~b; Irving Lilerory Soddy I. 2, Dohaler I. 2. Critic 2; Irving- Websl.r Li/uary Socidy. Prosid.n! and Crilic 3, Treasu,o,4; In/una/ianol Rdaliot)S Club 4; Varslly Deba/ing 1. 3, 4, Team Capiain 4, Pr •., D.b"fI'ng Council 3; Allernalo J"ler-ColI.gial. Orolar I. Speed Winner 1; Callege Play ... 3; Curric~/~m Rooisiotl Commlll .. 3; Boxing 3, 4. Here it is !llmost impossible to give just dues to our editor. "Dave" came to "The Hill" as a diffident Freshman but he has proved tobeaversalilestudent. He brought quite a list of accomplishments and desirable traits with him These have been added to. and increased inhis four years' associarion with us. His eloquence as an Oraror and his logical reasoning as a debater have often won Our applause and brought home the proverbial bacon to Western Mary- land College. His capable handling of the I1nancesofthe Gold But proved invaluable to the paper. These few and his other accomplishments take second place to his work as the editor of our treasured annual. Working under formidable difficulties. "Dave" overcame them all with his sterling trait. the desire todoa!l things well OnoHu"drodOne
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