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GERTRUDE WOOD SHERMAN £nglislr-F,onch-Hi.lory Kensington, Maryland Montgomery County High School Y. W. C. A. I, 1. 3, 4; Collego Sundoy School I, 1; Philo" mathean Lilerary Sodd!l I, 2; Philo_Browning Literary Socicly 3. 4: Lo Cerci. Francai. I. 1, 3. ~: Shake.- pea," Club~; W. A. A. I, 2. 3. 4: Lellu" M .." Cia .. Alhielie. 1,1,3.4. There she goes down the street. whispering and tittering about something---one or rhe inseparable three. She must have her pleasantries in her own subtly humorous way Nevertheless. she has her serious moments. Her ability and knowledge along many lines when an opinion is desired is astonishing. fer she is not given to boasting about her ability. Once she has rormed an impression about something and is convinced that she is correct. she just won't give in. "Gertie"isperservering. If she doesn'r ger the desired efl'ectrroma firsr trial. she will keep at it until she has mastered the situation. More interested in what goesonthansheappearstobe,sheprobablygetsmoreout or lire than most students Ninoly_Fiv.
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