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ELIZABETH PARKER MATTHEWS Home Economics-High School Sciences Parksley. Virginia Parksley High School y_ W. C. A. I. 2. 3. 4,. ColI~g~Sunday School I, 2; Philo- Liluary I. 2; Phil~-BrolJJning 3, 4; Homo Economics Club' 3. J_G_C:W.A To the passing observer "Betty" seems quiet and retiring. but to her closer friends she's a fun_maker. one whe leves to play pranks "pan ethers and then merrily to stand by and enjoy them. If she is not tel be found around the dorm. you may be sure that she is at the movies. Whether it's a melodrama or whether it's a comedy makes little dil'ferenccto"Betty"-oneortheinveteratemoviegoersof our Class. We sometimes wonder ir she is as interested in home economics as she would have us believe. Perhaps under the cook book might be found an edition of Shelley's works. for she shows marked leanings toward a poetical
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