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MIRIAM SUSAN LUCKENBAUGH French-Hi,lary-English WestminSter. Maryland New Windsor High School Blue Ridge College Gorman Club 3; L. Cucl. F'on'ai, 4; Honor061eMenlion 3. Miriam is our scholar. Any afternoon you go into the library. you can see why all her teachers can always depend on her to have all her work done wbenit should be. She came from Blue Ridge to join us as a Junior. So we have known her for only t:woyears-and then as a day-student who was too busy to pay much attention to us lesa ambi- tious mortals. But even then. the very friendly smile she always gives us when we meet her on the campus makes us feel that we knew her. Andall of us have learned to watch that easily provoked blush. Here. "Sue." is a boost along the upward grade you've already begun to climb.
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