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MARIETTA MILLS BBB Malhemalic.-BialaRy-Phy.ical Eduw/ian Birmingham. Alabama John Herbert Phillips High School Tri Bela, Vice,Prosident 4; Clas. Treasurer 2; y, W. C. A. I, 2, 3_ ( Colleg. Sunday School I. 2. 3. ~; Philamalhoan Uterary Soddy I. 2. 3; u C.rde Francai, I, G_ C; "Aloha" Spansor 3; W. A, A,; Lollor "M;" A/Melie. 1.2.3,-1 "Ah've Come from Alabama. but Ah's bound for Loo- zianal" swan_song_good old rough-and- tumble darkhaired. brown_eyed. freckled. She loves to make noise-to talk, whoop. or sing (she has a remarkablecoliectionofsongs). and then she blushes if she attracts attention_ A great deal of her "playing cute" is to cover deep reSerVe and a lot of pride. Marietta's clcsesr friends know that sometimes their laughing "or pal" gets wistful and blue. But that mood can't last lang. be<:ause she is so much interested in whatever goes on around her. Impulsive. generous. sincere-to those who know her Mills is a lovable friend Loo-ziana"-here she comes! Sconly_Eigh/
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