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HELEN ESTELLE MULLINIX Damascus. Maryland Damascus High School Y. IV. C A. I. 2. 3. ~; Sunday S"'aoll. 1. 3. -/; Valunlec. Secrelary 2; Philomalhean Lilaa'y Soddy I. 1; Philo_Browning 4; Sha~.,pcar. Cluh -/: HonnraM. Men/ion /,2. Helen is one of those dependable and enviably hard_ working members of our Class. We wonder how she turns in those splendid note-books and well-written papers long before the rest of us have finished. Ourchiefadviseron many a difficult problem. Helen yet finds lime to work in the library or to help anyone who needs a lift. Sheenjoy. a good laugh and hasher fun. too: but not much escapes Helen.whoisafriendtoalL If you ask her to do a certain job. you may reSt assured that the work will be done well. There is no need 10 remind her constantly of her responsi- bilities. for she accepts them and execureseach TaSKequally well. We prophesy that Helen will be a scccessfol and loved teacher. Dehly-Om
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