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KATHLEEN MOORE WW Home ECOtlOmilJ-High 5,1000/ Science. Denton, Maryland Caroline High School W. W.. Treasurer 3. Presidenl 4; !nfer,Club Coundl2, 3. Presidonl4; W. S. C. A., Trea.urer 3, Presid"114: "Aloha." A.,ociale Edilar: Y. W. C. A., Cabinel 2. Surelary 3, Vic,_ Pre~idenl 4: Browning Lilerory Socicly. Seerc/or!! 2; Vice_ Pre.idcnl 3; Homo Economic, Club. Secrelory 2. Vice- Pres/Jonl3, P,esidenl 4; Choir 2. 3. 4; Co/lege Players 3. 4; Normenl Speech Conl""lonl I, 2; C""ieu/um Ro»ision Commillee 3; Honorable Menlion I. 3 ·Kathy"---capability. As president of several organize- tions including the Women's Student Government Associa- tion, and the holder of minor officesina host of others. she has proved her value to her Class. In spite of her many duties. she manages to an enviable scholastic record and to keep up social activities as well One of the fields in which she is particularly interested is dramatic work, in which the excellence of her interpreta_ ricns is well-known. A happy faculty of gening along with people is another of her good qualities. Herradiantsmile and equable disposition have endeared her to all her friends. May success be ycurs at Hopkins, "Kathy I" Eighty
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