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MARY LOUISE LAWYER Hom. Economics-Hif,h S,hool Scionco. Silver Run, Maryland Charles Carrcll High Scheel Y. W. C. A. I. 2. 3. 4; ColI.g. Sunday School I. 2; Pbilo_ matheen Literary Soci'/y I. 2: Philo-Browning 3. 4ยท L. Cord. Francai. I: Home Economics C/"h I. 2, 3. 4: SI"denl Volun/oer I. 2; j. G. c.. W. A. A. I. 2. 3: C/as. A/hldi" I. 2. 3 "Mary. Mary quite contrary" somehow just doesn't seem to fit this young lady-always 50 quict. calm, and reserved that people usu~lIy find it hard to bring their friendship past the acquainrance stage, Yet. the privileged few who know Mary well are rewarded by a deep and sincere friendship. The f!l.ctthat Mary does not talk profusely is not an indication that she is not thinking. Then. tee. she is constantly allowing her mind to dwell on thoughtsofa certain attraction back home. Her frequent week_end visits lead us to believe that Mary someday. not so far oR'. may be using all the knowledge she has acquired in her classes in home economics here on College Hill
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