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there. Oh-and Dr. G. R. Hitchcock, too; he took over his father's business. George's slogan is "Your teeth extracted without pain, or teeth back." Marianne Engle was in town for the day with her children. all look very healthy, probably as a result of the crack Home Ec Department was in the college when Marianne went there. You remember how very domestic Marie Lynch was? Well, she settled down to be ~hief buy~r in Nusbaum and Jordan's. While I was talking to Marie, up comes" MIIllS" Reitsnider for a complete farmer's wife's Her love of farms has kept her in the country. "Mims" says she sees quite a bit. She's a preacher's wife, visiting the congregation and organ. As a side line her little "crows" are progressing rapidly. The folks from the Eastern Shore will hnve an easy rime gcreing to the reunion, now that the new bridge has been opened. Thnr sure w,IS a novel idea of "Bi[I" Hobbs to build the bridge from College Hill to the "Sho'" better to facilitate bumming for the students. T.hink of all t~e girls from the class who .will be able to come over. Virginia Fontaine is Supervisor of the Eastern Shore High Schools. Her name helpe~ to qualify her for the position. Maude Heath will b.ring her boy husband on a mcycle, I guess. She wouldn't marry until she was rhir-r y..rwo a~ld by that time all the older men were taken. Edna Nordwall did just the opposite and showed her good sense when she became an old man's darling instead of ,I young man's slave. "Dot" Holliday is down on the Eastern Shore, working hard for Uncle Sam. They S,lV matrimonial bliss is sweet. "Es" Hollins is so pleased over the prospect of this' bridge thn t she was caught making a fatal jump to the ,. Rafters" las~ week. She'd better be careful. Mar~aret Leonard wants to .dnve over i~ her Illgh_yowered car. It I?oks as if reaching is really a good business. Catherine Read IS going to take time off from her campaigning for l\.bryland Congresswoman and drive over. By the way, Catherine tukes two curs around, one for herself and one for her four children. Speaking of children makes me think of another Eastern Shcrenmn-cRorh Sartorius. She has started ,\ Pocomoke School for Bauies. It's a shame that Taylor's Island is so far from the new bridge, but if "Til!ie" Thompson can leave her beauty parlor long enough, she's coming to the Our rranspormtion problem has been solved by" Bill" Pelton, who began with his old flivver running between Westminster and Harrisburg. Now" Bill" has a fleet of luxurious coaches covering that route at irregular intervals. "Bill" has offered us the usc of his busses under the personal supervision ofCrant Edmond- son, his master chauffeur. By the way, that provides a for Rebekah Stone, braker. to get down from Hagerstown, where she is of all W. M. C. Remember how we used to take trips to New York right after we graduated? If you go up ,IllY time soon, I can give you a for a peppy place to go. Mary page one hllndredfifly-Iwo
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