Page 154 - YB1930
P. 154
I wnnt to get George Baumgartner to help with the entertaining, too. He and "Dan" Link are on the radio now. "Dan" also introduces Ruth Gleichmnn. She plays the violin on the side, but her real work is as head of the music department at Allegany High. Speaking about "The Hili," you heard that Wilmer Bell, the renowned blood, less surgeon, had been made chief of the medical stalf, didn't your Yes, they had so much appendicitis they had to get a special surgeon to stay there full time Helen Harvel' came down to "The Hill" to familiarize W. M. C. with the unit issue~ Ly the N. E. A., of wl.lith sh.e is the secretary. Edith Rill is teaching her favor-ite Math in place of Spicer. She's anxious to get to Cornell, where all the Math teachers go. '.Jo certainly made a haul on "The Hill;" for Urith ROutson is also there. She is assisting Miss Lease in the Speech Department, and is making a good job of it. "I went to Paris first, and no sooner had I gotten oR" the train thnn r met "/\lex"O'Lear. "Alex" had started as a fight anno~lncer, but later he went into the promoting game. He was on his way to Spain to take back a couple of bulls to the states. Just as [ was turning about, who should walk up but Mary Webber Broughton, with her husband, Count Houzat. She had been studying French, now she'll probably teach it. I decided to take a taxi to my hotel. Who do you Suppose was the taxi_driver? "Rip" Engle! "Rip" told 1111.' he had imbibed a love for gas engines while at \V. M. C. and could nut give them up .•. Rip" had made good, but hearing that Otis Trice had gone bankrupt trying to support his family, he gave Otis his fortune to start anew. "1 arrived and went straight to m)' room. was so terribly worn from the heat I callt'd down lor ice water. an hour later in page on~ hundred/flrty_nille
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