Page 159 - YB1930
P. 159
at the White House. stomach," must be true. Nil" Wnllace plnvs ber every meal at the White Excuse me, Flo; there goes my doorbell again.. . ... .. .. . Guess what!-it was a radiogram from Marvin Sterling. He is now the owner of the Chesterfield Night Club, Lrd., [4 Downing Street, London, and he has invited us to have our twentieth anniversary there. My! J feel as if you 'II never wade through my letter, Flo; but this the news, nnd plenty for this time. Let me know how the refreshment getting along. Reminiscently yours, p---. P. S.-I almost forgot to tell YOIithat D, O. Ward is the new W, 1\.1. C. presi, dent. Don't make any wild mistakes. p--. page one hllndredfifl),.Jollr
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