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speaker, who was tr,\veling and speaking throughout Europe, It seems Armstrong had tried evangelistic work there, but forsook it for poetr) directs the Poets' Club Confederation of Colleges in the East. For a time and Mark fan a big competition "I had bee~l traveling for a week and h,ld gotten so deep in~o Europe that I welcomed the sight of somebody who spoke English, J was dnving in a cheap foreign car, when I noticed that a stranger popped up out of nowhere, I recognized the old sign and stopped, It. was leon Bunce. I-Ie was bumming,over Europe after haVing cleaned up a million by inventing a process for makll1g symherie eountrr butter. Leon had been traveling with' Gus' Belote; Out when' Gus' found that the nights were six months long in Xzthski, he decided to May there and sleep awhile." I must get hack to business, although "Frenchv'e" experiences nre very I just received "Tom" Braun's acceptance of the invitation day before yester., His stationery was headed, .. Eat Bran for Brains and Braun" The same brought short, newsy letters (rom other member~ of the class. Ascnarh Bay accepted and said that she was with the \Vestern Union Telegraph Company delivering messages, a new occupation for WOmen. She said that" Betty" Brengle':; marriage anniversary had JUSt been telegraphed to the Davidson College Busy Body for publication. Another letter told us that the Raughley sisters have really been separated. "Anne" is a keeper of the Zoo. She is especially attracted to the bird cages. f7r,mces is now in Texas. Don't think she is a Lone Star Ranger, though; because "Cowboy" will take care of that, It looks good to see a 'vVestminster again. J got a letter from "Jim" Stach, who has succeeded" Dick" as athletic director at \V. M. C. "Betty" Mitchell and Gloria Thornburg, finished their work at Sargeant, are back with the athletic department. The theatregoers, or rather movie fans, experienced a queer thrill the other night. I was at the movies and never have I ever seen so nl
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