Page 153 - YB1930
P. 153
Class Prophecy Baltimore, Maryland May 15, 1950 Dear Flo- I have been having the worst time imaginable, trying to get this' corh nnni.. versary lilted up. r t seems that our class has scattered to the four COrners of this old earth, and I am afraid that all of them will not be able to get here by June '2. Why, only this morning I had a ,cable from Tom Grove, who is in charge of the missionary work in Antarrica, saYing that he was afraid he should be snow bound until August. And do you know, Flo, J had the greatest thrill yesterday. I saw our old classmat~, Leslie Grover, in" Her Man." He certainly did rise rapidly in the talkies after taking that drama tics course at \V. M. C. Around that same movie set was Helen Harry. She's quite a success at doubling for Dolores Del Rio in the talkies. E~en Julia Williams and her husband were with the movie set. She is the proud Wife of a preacher who is undertaking the reforming of the actors and actresses, All the movie folk from W, M. C. have been loyal to Watson Phillips, the great criminal lawyer who cleaned up Chicago. "Phil" says "Charlie" Havens has received a medal in the courts for being the greatest defender of females in the history of divorce proceedings. Don't say a word about it, but Dennis Raynor's name is brought up quite frequently, He's the man who has taken over Flo ZiegfieJd's Follies, and is quite notorious. I was down at the school the other day looking over the younger generation, when whom should I bump into but the Warren sisters. Hel~n is teachi~g Math, As a side line she is keeping watch over Mary, who IS teachmg First Aid in the Classroom. Her specialty is First Aid for hinting. J was quite amazed when I looked on the shelf and found the Gunby Dicriona-y. Eleanor is a great lexico.. gr.apher by choice rather than by vocati~n, I hear~ .. Along with that was Arvnlene Hirchen's book, "Fame." Arvaiene is Cited by crrncs as the second George Eliot, John D. Bowers has accepted OUf invitation to be toast master, and that takes a great load off my mind. He bought OUt the,Real Silk, and perfected a process of his own, Lee Bowers is coming, too. He wanted to brll1g his wife, but I told him this was strictly limited to the class of '30. Since he adopted t.he slogan, "Give me Liberty or give me Punch," he has trebled his sale of magazines. I have been in touch with "Jap" Weisbeck ro supply the music for the reunion, but since he has succeeded to Paul Whiteman's crown as jazz king, he is about page one trundred jorty-eight
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