Page 155 - YB1930
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vVarrell with his old time dash and vitality, halancing a huge water ill his hand. "I spent several days in Paris, and then decided to hop over to Oberammergau to sec the Passion Play. Myoid friend, Granville Eaton, was the casting director of the company. I asked Eaton for some of the college news, and, in turn, offered him some. Evelyn Mather was so taken up with the system of transportation in Europe t~at she knew there was only one vocation for her. She was to go ba~k to Westminster as a taxi-driver. Granville reluctantly gave us the news that Virginia Merrill is Samh Bernhardt. He to think that perhaps "Gincy' would play Maybe he was just to keep something from us. "Upon arriving at Le Bourget on the way back, who should I see hut 'Joe' Bush, the big harker from Hampstead. 'Joe' had gone into the circus business as ,I barker, but found that he was dissatisfied. He is now the world's most famous airplane caller. Narurally he doesn't forget any of his old friends. He told me that Jsobel Went" is a musical comedian on Keith Circuit, now playing in her old home town, Hampstead. When I got into the airplane who should 'sit next to bur :Perry' Dawson. He had just sold his chain of restaurants, and was answering Eaton's pleas to become stage manager for the Passion Play. 'Perry' had seen Paul Tillman on the way down, and said that now he is Herr Von Tillman, and is running fOI president ofthe German Republic on the Free Soil ticket. "Our plane stopped offin Amsterdam to pick up a very distinguished passenger, old Albert Van Meter, the financier. Albert told us he had come over to the old country to rebuild the dykes. 1'011 can't imagine who was at the flying fidd- Mary Katherine Streett! She had been spending all he~ time testing planes pre- paratory to her attempt to make a non.stop flight to Brazil. \Vhat WIll she do next? "My next stop was at Monte Carlo. I met Hayes Brown, the senator from Kansas. He was rather tired out from his trip from the states, where he had just completed his fight to have the Volstead Act repealed. It was a smashing victory. Who should appear on the scene at this time hut' Dick' Willis. He had just broken the bank at Monte Carlo. Eliza Russell, his wife, had figured out before, hand by statistical methods just how this could be done, and 'Dick' gave her all the credit for making the fortune that they had to take back home. 'Dick' didn't seem to be thinking much about taking the money home to the childr~n, though, because he was pitching twenty dollar gold pieces with 'H. 0.' Smith. Harry has become the heavyweight champion of Russi,l. Some people told me that they thought he was our gunning for' Pcre' Gomsak. 'Pete,' he said, had taken over the cartoon strip, 'Toots and Casper,' and changed it to 'Toots and Harry.' Harry said he had seen Katherine Speicher in Russia at the meeting of new nations. She was repr.esenting Accident. Well, we had a grand time. 'Dick' rook us out to the Riviera III his limousine to henr Mark Jenkins, the internationally known rent, page one hundred fifly
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