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TI"IOMAS \"IYNDOM "HEED "'1'0111" Sykesville, Maryland k/ulhemalics and Phld~ics SVk<'suil/"l-lighSrhoo/ Irving Literary SociNy: M~mbcr of J~Slcrs '27, '18; M~n~ger of Debale '28: Manager of Rifle Team '27: VarsilY Soccer '25, '26, '27, 'Z8: Rifle Team '25, '26, '27, '28: Y. M, c.~" Science Club: Varsity Club: College Choir '25. '26. '27, '28: Class Basketball '26, '27, '28: Varsity Tennis '27, '28: Class B,,_,ebJII '27: Cadet Major R. 0. T. c.: Offi(u'~ Club: Best m HO istic is this figure majestic, who militar- man during his rifle, sojourn on debate the Drilled Cadet '25. '26 tennis, Soccer. Hill stalks he told the campus? grandly anything Atten-shun! across Present arms! manager. to say pari-whoa! about that. us not The Major. On the military field That's another of his characteristics the Freshies quail beneath his -c-people generally obey him when stern glance. A co-ed. however, he speaks. The Major often talks was once heard to remark. "1 of retiring, after his education .is think that that Reed boy, in his complete, to the farm, and of uniform, is just the nicest thing." spending there the rest of his days Beneath the sternness of his appear- in peaceful activity, (with an ap- ance the Major has a heart of gold, propriate help-mate, of course). That person is fortunate who is a Bur, if we may be allowed to friend of Tom, for when his dig- prophesy, such an uneventful ex- nified reserve is penetrated, the istence is not for Tom Confi- Major shows a wealth of friendli- dentially, we shouldn't be sur- ness prised to find that our Major has As can be seen by his list of developed into "Senator Reed, suh, activities Tom has been a busy of Maryland,"
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