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~IARGARET REBECCA MYEHLY "Snaps" Westminster, Maryland Ml1lhemuric5 and Latin Westminster Nigh School Browning Literary Society 'And !iN rhe menace of the vears Finds und shall find mP unafraid" NAP,SH is a courageous little the SLeep ascent of college hill un- lassie who will meet all of countable times. And yet "Snaps" [{] life's problems unafraid. Her has an unequaled record for being very choice of majors is on time for everything. This enough to prove that. Imagine young lady is what we call a a girl having the courage to genuine hustler. struggle for four years with the 'Snaps" has not always been a mysteries of advanced mathematics town-student. Her freshman year and the unintelligible works of was spent in the dorms on the mighty Romans. And since Hill: and there were man y disap- "Snaps" has emerged victorious pointed girls on the Hill when from such an ordeal as that. we "Snaps" became a day-student in are willing to wager that she will her Sophomore year. conquer all other obstacles that Here's to you, "Snaps"! May may come her way. you always inspire respect with "Snaps" is one of our worthy your fine qualities and high ideals. town-students who has climbed
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