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HUT'-' HOWAHI) SCI-ILlNCI(E "Schlink" w. W. Washington, 0 C. Mu~ic and Hi.tory AUeghan',l High &hool. C('mb~rI(/nd, ,l4arylcmd W. W.: J. G. C Philom~lhean Literary Societv, PreliminHY Contest am '25, '26, '27 French Club Y. \V. C. A.: Choir '26-'28: Norment Spc~ch Coutestant '26, Honorable Mention '26 .. B£e~~erl Wilh e(lch lalent and each urI 10 please" Ruth has not devoted all of her Atr,~~L~l\:~,d ~~~h~lu~~ time to work, but has entered lege career has been varie~. whole-heartedly into the fun on ~ Her musical and dramatic College Hill Her love for the talents have enabled her to fur- out-of-doors has taken her on nish much enjoyment to everyone. many "noteworthy" hiking trips. In scholarship she has stood high Ruth is the embodiment of vir- among her classmates, having won tues char are sure to win happiness Honorable Mention in '26. and success. She has personal Sincerity is the keynote. to charm which, combined with Ruth's friendships. Her winning physical attractiveness, honor, a smile and her sympathetic under- keen sense of right and wrong, and standing have endeared her to her a bit of sunshine, makes her an classmates. invaluable friend.
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