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i\1AYBELLE £LlZABETI-1 HINEHART "J\l~lyhelle" Union Bridge. Maryland English Blue Ridge College Preparatory School Pb:Jomath~an Lirera rv Society; v. W. C. A.: Shakespeare Club J. G. C. "Youth cull. {or Pleasure. Plca~ure calls for Love: AYB.ELLE is a little bU.n.dJe always sure of a frolic. Her sense of lovable femininity, of humor carries her over many m] which probably accounts rough places. for love being the dominant Love and fun are not the only theme in her. life. During the characteristics of Maybelle's na- daytime she diligently attends to ture, for seriousness has its place. her college duties, but the twilight You could never doubt this if you of evening finds her waiting pa- saw her rushing to get to chapel. tiently and sometimes impatient- classes, and meals on time. and ly for the very familiar bright studying faithfully at the libra.ty, lights from a nearby town, We predict that the same spirit Fun is the spice of life and which has won Maybelle many Maybelle has her share of it friends in college will bring her When she is in the crowd one is future happiness. Eighty
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