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MAI{GAllET HOBERTA SENTMAN "Bob" !l~K North East. Maryland English and French North East High School Browning LilerilrY Scciery : Secretary ,).~K 'Z7: Poets' Club' Shakespeare Club: Lc Cercle Francais: J. G. C "A acorose b/ushin' to a brook Ain'/ modester nor sweeter" OB" surveys people and disregarded that advice. Regard- things around her. says little. less of opinion. "Bob" calmly pur- and forms her own opinions. sues her course. The course is ~ Needless to say, she is a generally a happy one. however. good listener. Probably no soul because "Bob" possesses two great on earth ever listened more patient- gifts that make life a joyous ly to the good advice of well thing-tolerance and a penetrat- meaning friends-and certainly no ing sense of humor. soul on earth ever more calmly
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