Page 78 - YB1928
P. 78
EVELYN EUZAI3ETH PUSEY "Ev" w.w. Princess Anne, Maryland \Vushingron High School Murylund SrUie Normal School Pr~liminJry Contestant '27; SOciNy Editor of Aloha '28; Associate Editor c.. Class His[Orian '28. OTH .ability and the will to Despite all these achievements do are prevalent. but a com- which ordinarily make us breathe [m binarion of these is rarely sighs of envy, no one could take found. "Ev" is the happy the place "Ev" has found among possessor of both of these qual- us. So real is her friendliness that ities. Though she did not enter she bas to pretend great wrath Western Maryland until her now and then to fool us. This Junior year, she has not only kept make-believe of her's deceives no the pace, but she has excelled. one and merely results in making Evelyn is not appalled by many her all the more beloved. Evelyn outside activities, as IS evidenced is a friend that will be "with joy by her superior work on the Gold remembered." Bug and Aloha Staffs.
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