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DOROTHY VmCINIA MELLOTT "Dollie" W.W. Salisbury. Mar yland English. French and I-/is/orf} \Vicom;,-o /'/i"h Sdwol A UGHTER and a joyous "Dottie" is a worker She car- love o.f life open the invit- ries responsibility gracefully, and ing little door of her per- links it with an energy and unsel- rm sonaltty. "Dotti.c·· has fish effort that heightens her in the countless treasures of mirth and estimation of her friends Life happiness alive in her smile and and bouyancy are the keynotes of stored in the depths of her frank, her character. She is an all-around hazel eyes Work and play are girl. cutting a slice from every two merry fellows living content- corner of living. building a shrine edly together within her, one ever or work and pleasure to her youth. considerate of the other. S;xtll·nine
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