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EDITH OLIVIA LYNCH "Hefty" A s K Cordova. Maryland Home Economics "",/ Fr ench Tri_Co(ll]/y High Schoot Class Volleyball. '27, Economics Club, Reporter, '27: Art Ed~tor Aloha: Fire Captain Treasurer Delta Sigma Kappa, '25: Philcmarhean Literary Sociery : 'Graceful ~nd useful all she does Blessing and blessed whcre'er she goes." EFTY"' will long be remem- mends, I'd have bid no trump." bered for her interpretation "Hefty" will probably laugh at [lof "dear papa" in the sec- the preceding sentence, for her ond floor dramatics, and for chief virtue is the graciousness her inaugural address when she that enables her to accept jokes was elected fire chief; but she will that are played on her. It also be immortally famous as the makes her a charming hostess, and young lady who bid four spades a delightful person to know-and. in bridge, made a grand slam, then incidentally, a safe person for her remarked to her partner, "If I'd friends to laugh at when she is known you had all those dia- slightly angry. Sixtl/-eight
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