Page 74 - YB1928
P. 74
FRANCIS EVERETT MEIIEOITII "i\iaI'Y" Federalsburg, Maryland His(ory and French Federalsb .. rg High School Honorable Mention Y. M. C. A. Cabinet '28 Francais; Norment Speech First Lieutenant, Second in he earned long been No one can deny that m1 AR Y" can has be he found classi- everything that be to do each task he received: Al- fied among the students. ready was always ways with a hook in his hand; usually as it should he done, a trait which it is a history book. For "Mary" invariably brings success. to receive a "B" in a subject was "Mary," whatever may be your irritating, because he knew there profession. we arc certain that was a still higher mark to be at- you will succeed You have the tained. Often the "midnight oil" ability and the perseverance. Go produced that mark. to it-and the reward is yours.
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