Page 107 - YB1926_Classical
P. 107
o ., CHARLES ADDISON STE'vVART " Buzz" r B X Chenristry CRISFIELD, MARYL,\ND Cr'£sfield [{'igh School Webster Literary Society, President, '2(j, Inter-Society Debater, '25, Inter-Society Orator, '25: Inter-Collegiate Debater, '26: Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Preliminary Contestant, '26; Varsity Soccer, '24, '25; Class Football, '22, '23; Class Basket-ball, '25; Class Soccer, '25; Class Baseball, '24, '25, '26; Jesters, '23, '24, '25, '26: Y. M, C. A, TOJ:/ing hands alone are builders of a nation.'s weallh and fame. HAT must be "Buzz" Stewart practicing his oration." This was a familiar saying on Senior Hall whenever a loud voice rang through the building, for Addison won many honors by his perseverance and constant practice. But he is not a one-talent man : he is a man of ten talen ts, and he did not hide his ten talents under a bushel while he was at Western Maryland College, When" Buzz's" toe touched the soccer ball something was bound to happen. To see him take his drum sticks in hand just made you want to dance, for he could produce jazz galore. Asa Chemistry student he proved that he had both an analytica and a synthetic mind. But he did not have to study Chemistry to be a good mixer; as a mixer he is an expert. At least his frequent visits down town led us to believe so. We have heard, however, that he left the campus each evening to visit the same girl, and she was the one who held his heart. Your assets for the future are large. and we are for you. "Buzz," for" all the world loves a lover."
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