Page 103 - YB1926_Classical
P. 103
o .., HARRIS WILLIAM RICHMOND "Ted" Creek c [j ~ I BRIGETON, NEW JERSEY Q Brigelon. High Sch.ool Webster Literary Society; Delta Pi Alpha Club; Lion Tamers Club; Y. J. C.; Treas- urer Poets Club; College Players, '25; 2nd Lieutenant R. O. T. c., Honorable Mention. '25. 1 til-US! be measured by my soul; The mind's the measure of the man. QUIET, demure little freshman he carne to us-r-unprerentious, yet wise withal. "Ted" seldom seemed to study, but he thought much. Exams never caused him to worry as they did the rest of us. To him they were trifling things to be considered lightly and taken easily. He was always ready for a hike, and when on a long hike was the only time he was confidential "Ted's" big failure was with the fair sex. It can be truly.said that he knows them not. During his four years on the Hill he did not have one date in Parlor. Despite his reticence, he has visions of a modern girl making for him a happy home. To that end he is now studying the violin. (For serenading purposes, no doubt). Now he has determined to try his powers at teaching, and is going back to Jersey to do it. May Jersey find you a bctrer fiian for having attended Western Maryland.
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